2024 – 2025 Member Activities
Browse through our group activities and take part in an engaging event with other like-minded individuals in the community. The activities are open to all members.
Girlfriends and More
We are a branch-inclusive group designed for fun social get-togethers. We usually meet the last week of the month, but specifics are determined by the activity for the month. Share any ideas for a fun, delightful outings; watch for details on E-Blasts; and join us as often as you would like. We want everyone to have a good time.
This group provides fun experiences for members who want to savor casual time with AAUW-NWV members. It is an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and develop friendships. We go to the movies, casinos, art exhibits, etc., followed by lunch. “A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, and still gently allows you to grow.” – William Shakespeare
Contacts: Rosemary Dougherty, (623) 760-8479, and Sharon Phelps, (612) 799-5474
Arizona Adventures
This group provides a fun way to explore Arizona and make new friends. Any AAUW-NWV member may sign up for that month’s field trip. The details for the field trip and where we are going for lunch will be available via E-Blast and the General Meetings. These are usually all-day events for women only.
We travel up to two hours by carpool – our numbers are generally limited by the number of drivers unless otherwise noted. We suggest you share the cost of driving expenses with your driver. All other expenses, such as admission fees and lunch, are your responsibility. We generally meet for the field trip in the parking lot in front of the RH Johnson Library. Most field trips are on the third Friday of each month from September through May. RSVPs are necessary to plan the count for attendees and the number of drivers we need.
Rules for attending AZ Adventures:
- It is up to the individual to choose to wear a mask. We will notify you in the E-Blast if the Adventure site requires one.
- Wear your name tag.
- We leave on time. If you are late, you can catch up with us at our destination.
- Respect your driver and share expenses.
If you are unable to attend, please notify Kate or Rosemary using the contact information below. Due to unforeseen circumstances, such as the pandemic, making changes or canceling our scheduled event may be necessary. Such notices are forwarded by email or E-Blast.
Contacts: Kate King, (623) 546-4175 and Rosemary Dougherty, (623) 760-8479
Special Interest Groups
AAUW-NWV offers several Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – small social groups that meet regularly in members’ homes or elsewhere to share their love of books, cards, hiking, wine, or other interests. SIGs allow you to connect with other members in a comfortable social setting while providing opportunities for education, discussion, friendship, and fun. If you are interested in joining a group or starting a new group, contact Special Interest Group Chairperson Judy Neigoff at (623)-910-6743.
Book Clubs
Monday Book Club
The Monday Book Club reads a variety of genres, including fiction, history, non-fiction, etc. Members make book recommendations, then vote on which books we will read and discuss each year.
The books are selected well in advance, giving members time to obtain and read them. Discussion leaders volunteer and take turns for the meetings, which are held in the community room at the First Citizens Bank at 19432 N RH Johnson Blvd in Sun City West. Alternatively, meetings will be held in a member’s home or via Zoom when the room is unavailable.
Meeting: 2nd Monday at 2:00 p.m. (September – May)
Contact: Diane Wilbur, (231) 294-2666
Open Book Club
The Open Book Club offers a fun social way for members to discuss books they love. Each month, a fiction or non-fiction book is read by everyone and discussed at the meeting. The member who selects the month’s book serves as the host and discussion leader. Meetings are held in members’ homes.
Meeting: 3rd Monday at 2:00 p.m. (September – April)
Contact: Susie Jennings (608) 212-4008
Evening Book Club
Can’t meet during the day? The Deborah Channell Memorial Book Group meets monthly in the evening to discuss a book of any genre. Membership is limited to 12 who each select a month, a book for all to read, lead the discussion, and provide wine, soft drinks, and light snacks. Meetings are held in members’ homes. Get in touch with Anne to find out more about membership slot availability.
Meeting: 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
Contact: Anne Burris, (623) 640-4663
Snowbirds Book Club
Book choices are suggestions from members and voted on every four months, giving us a schedule of book titles and discussion leaders. Leading the discussion is simply by agreeing to do so when the suggestion of a book is made or volunteering once a book has made the upcoming list. We meet at First Citizens Bank, 19432 N RH Johnson Blvd, Sun City West.
Meeting: 1st Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. (October – May)
Contacts: Lorie Lux, (708) 606-0837 and Sharon Phelps, (612) 799-5474
Non-Fiction Book Club
Join us in discovering a wide range of authors and topics as we meet to discuss non-fiction titles of new or recurring interest. The host provides the location (in her or another’s home) and leads the discussion that month. Books are selected by the members far in advance [and leaders share discussion notes before the meeting]. Our choices in the non-fiction genre are never boring!
Meeting: 4th Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. October – April.
Contact: Linda Wagner, (507) 261-7832, [email protected]
Cards and Games
Do you know when to bluff, bid, pass, or double? There are two Bridge groups that play cards throughout the year, providing a spirited, challenging way to become friends with your fellow competitors. Let us know if you wish to join us to play or sub.
Meeting: 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.
Contact: Pat Riffle, (623) 546-1254
Meeting: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.
Contact: Nancy Wilson, (623) 252-7436
Snowbirds Bridge
Meeting: 1st and 3rd Friday at 1:00 p.m. (November – April)
Contact: Nancy Wilson, (623) 252-7436
For a fun, fast-moving game played with dominoes, try Mexican Train. We welcome any member interested in joining, and we will happily share and teach the rules of “the train.” The group meets in members’ homes for an afternoon of lively fun, friendly competition, and camaraderie.
2nd and 4th Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Contacts: Sue Knippen, (419) 692-8611; Sharan Paul, (307) 660-8381
Join us for fun, friendly, exciting games of Mah–Jongg at members’ homes. We welcome both experienced players and those new to the game. We will happily and patiently assist beginners in learning the game’s cards, tiles, and rules.
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 1:00 p.m.
Contact: Christine Garrison, (923) 863-1577; [email protected]
Hiking and Travel
Hiking Club
Come out and hike with your AAUW-NWV friends. Most hikes are planned to accommodate all skill levels. We identify shorter, easier paths as well as more challenging trails. We like to carpool from the SCW Library, or you can meet us at the trailhead.
Information on each hike is sent to Hiking Club members a few weeks before each hike. Traditionally, we hike the 4th Monday of every month, but we hope to include additional hikes on different days of the week. After hiking, we usually have lunch together at a nearby restaurant. Once a year, in January, we have a Hiking Club Potluck Dinner, where we discuss hikes, leaders, and our 4-day hike in April.
Contact: Judith Neigoff, (623) 544-0525
Travel Club
The Travel Club is a group of women interested in traveling together to locations appealing to different budgets and travel styles, from short overnight trips to groups on commercial tours. The club holds one annual meeting to discuss and vote on destinations, and to appoint committees to work on each project.
Judy Neigoff, (623) 544-0525
Barbara Hoida, (414) 881-8464
Food and Wine
Are you a wine lover and interested in great food? The Food and Wine Clubs gather at a member’s home or a local venue each month. We spotlight wines from a specified world region, add ideal foods to complement the wines, and savor our selections.
Food and Wine I
Meeting: 4th Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. (October – April)
Contacts: Marlene Gates, (623) 556-4998; Kathleen Padula, (623) 234-3993
Food and Wine II
Meeting: 3rd Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. (October – April)
Contact: Jean Sturm, (309) 825-3998
Food and Wine III
Meeting: 3rd Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. (October – April)
Contacts: Jan Tiazkun (623) 512-6972
Food and Wine
Food and Wine
Are you a wine lover and interested in great food? The Food and Wine Clubs gather at a member’s home or a local venue each month. We spotlight wines from a specified world region, add ideal foods to complement the wines, and savor our selections.
Food and Wine I
Meeting: 4th Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. (October – April)
Contacts: Marlene Gates, (623) 556-4998; Kathleen Padula, (623) 234-3993
Food and Wine II
Meeting: 3rd Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. (October – April)
Contact: Jean Sturm, (309) 825-3998
Food and Wine III
Meeting: 3rd Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. (October – April)
Contact: Jan Tiazkun (623) 512-6972
History and World Affairs
Women’s History
Goal: “To promote equity through understanding the history, accomplishments, and dreams of women.”
If you are interested in the role of women in history and would like to celebrate, explore, and share the accomplishments of women, this fun group is for you. Our spotlight will focus on American Women in history and their interesting stories of hurdles, defeats, and successes. Check the Newsletter and watch out for E-Blasts throughout the year.
Meeting: 3rd Friday at 9:30 a.m. (October – April; no December meeting)
Contacts: Deborah Hansen, (602) 920-9365
Memories Into Memoirs
Do you have a story to share? The Memories Into Memoirs group enables members to write and tell their stories about themselves and their experiences. It provides a forum for capturing and preserving personal memories as compelling memoirs. The meetings are in members’ homes, where you present your work for discussion, feedback, and encouragement.
Meeting: 1st Monday at 9:30 a.m.
Contacts: Karen Wahlund, (612) 964-7436
Great Decisions
Great Decisions is America’s most extensive discussion program on world affairs. The program model and our group plan involve reading the Great Decisions 2024 Briefing Book and watching a DVD or PBS documentary. Then we meet to discuss the critical issues presented for that month. The programs and publications are nonpartisan and represent a broad data and information base. Participants are encouraged to bring outside materials on each topic to share and discuss with the diverse and dynamic group. A copy of the Great Decision’s Briefing Book for the year is all that is required. We meet at First Citizens Bank, 19432 N RH Johnson Blvd, Sun City West.
Meeting: 2nd Tuesday from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (October – May)
Contact: Sharon Phelps, (612) 799-5474